Unreal Engine 5
Capybara Crush
Current Update: Combat Refactor, Enemy AI, Visual, Sounds, UI, Maps, Save System, Quests, Animation Refactor, Cutscene System, Player Feedback
Not only did I refactor the animation blueprints, but I've adjusted combat to something I feel is much more approachable, with left click being your main combo attack, and your right clicks costing 'tokens', but being more powerful along with it. I've also added sounds, UI, player feedback in the form of camera shakes and controller vibrations. The UI can be seen in the video below, and a lot of material work went into that one. Sound took about a week to find good sounds, credit the creators, mix them, and put them in. There's also a bunch of visual updates for the abilities, and I also added a fire sword mode! So not only does it change your stance and everything, but it gives you a real sword to slash with.
I'm currently working on the Enemy AI now, and I'm going to add a bunch of types of enemies, and the most important touch, bosses. Quests are set up now on the backend, and I created a whole cutscene system, with text bubbles since I probably won't be able to hire voice actors (working on a small budget!).
The video below shows all the visual updates, but didn't capture things with the enemy AI as it's deep in progress, and some of the abilities weren't shown, but you'll get the basic gist of what's been worked on here! Current code count has gone up to around 6000+ lines too, so learning to manage that is also turning into a treat. Stay tuned for more updates!
Update 5: New Beam Visuals, Combat System, Bone IK
To start off with, I created a combo system, where there is a TArray that acts as a FIFO stack, and it keeps track of the recent input. So there are two attack buttons, left and right arm attack, and when you use a certain combination, such as left left right right, the mapped combo will trigger for it. It also gets reset when you're hit, and also when there has been a significant amount of time between inputs. I enjoyed implementing this one froms scratch and I think it's going to really help put the game together in terms of having a skill ceiling. I am going to make it so that each combo (there are three of them) has a need. For instance, a double arm stun will help break blocks.
The next thing that I worked on that took the most time was the Bone Inverse Kinematics. So I have created the actual model and skeleton myself in Blender 3.4, and it took a while to figure out that I had to rearrange some bones. And once I figured that out, I had to actually adjust the bone structure without losing the animations that I had currently already made (which was a lot of them). In the end, I was able to keep the animations that I had made, while also allowing IK to work on the leg bones. In the video, you can see when he goes up a hill, his feet adjust to it as well, they work on stairs too, but they're still a bit finicky so it needs a bit more work, but a lot less now.
The last major thing that I worked on was pretty much learning the entire Niagara particle system that comes in Unreal Engine. It took me about a week to really understand what I was doing with it, and because I put in the time to do so, I was able to reacreate the beam attack in the way that I actually wanted it, rather than having to rely on the Unreal Marketplace ones for it. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how the beam turned out! And you can take a look yourself in the video!
Update 4: UI, Combat, Tools (with demo)
I may add in a combo system where your basic attacks (left and right click) gain more energy as you continue a combo. For the most part, I feel that I have combat about where I want it, minus some tweaks and balancing that will be applied later. Below will be a link to a demo that you can explore and a video that shows me playing that demo. Sound effects will be coming soon! As well as some more response to attack particles. Also keep in mind that this map is just a test map and will most likely be scrapped!
As for tools, I created some basic time saving tools for myself in engine. Unreal Engine has a great feature where you can use its UMG to create your own tools and set them where you want. I currently have two tools, one to easily mass enable Nanite on the selected items, with a right click. The other tool is to easily do a blueprint compile of all the blueprints that I want to add to the tool, essentially pressing compile on each of them. This is a big time saver especially when I have to edit a header file in C++.
Link to demo: Google Drive
Update 3: UI, Combat, AI
I've also made a bunch of Behavior Tree services and decorators to help make a more flushed out enemy AI system. Now that I have those, I'll be able to make more intricate AI's to have battles against! I'm still in the process of figuring out how to make the enemy capybara's different, but to supplement the main story, there are definitely going to be elemental capybara: fire, water, and earth, and the main character will be gaining those abilities in the story as it plays out.
I've also added in a very basic UI just to give myself something to look at and make sure that the stuff that's attached to the main character is working properly. I've made it so that now that there's enemies, the C++ class CapybaraCrushCharacter has two children, CapybaraCrushEnemy and CapybaraCrushPlayer, in which the enemies and the player inherit respectively.
The fences, textures, other static meshes, and effects were obtained from the Unreal Marketplace, credits and links will be placed in the game properly shown off!
Update 2: Basic Enviroments and Characters
Had to remake the skeleton here for easier animation making after viewing another tutorial for it!
NOTE: Most objects like the rocks were obtained from the Unreal Marketplace, the lava texture I had made myself.
Start: Creating the character
**An important thing to note is that I am not much of an artist, more of a programmer/engineer! But it's really fun to learn about other parts of creating a game!**